
Sunland Man Hurt as Car, Fire Truck Collide

A Glendale Fire Department truck, heading for a fire with lights flashing and siren sounding, collided with an auto that ran a red light Friday, severely injuring a Sunland man, Glendale police reported.

John A. Saar, 59, was in extremely critical condition Friday afternoon at County-USC Medical Center with head and internal injuries, a hospital spokesman said.

The fire truck, traveling south on Brand Boulevard about 9 a.m., entered the intersection at Sanchez Drive just as the light turned green for north-south traffic, Glendale Officer Mario Yagoda said. He said Saar drove through the red light and passed directly in front of the engine, which struck his car on the passenger side, pushing the vehicle 24 feet.


The fire crew performed first aid on Saar until paramedics arrived, Yagoda said.

No firefighters were injured.
