
Hollywood : Historic Home Fix-Up Plan

Redevelopment officials today are expected to approve spending $225,000 to help Hollywood property owners fix up homes and residential buildings of historic significance.

The plan is similar to residential rehabilitation programs in other areas, except that it emphasizes historically significant buildings and is not limited to low- and moderate-income property owners or tenants, according to a Community Redevelopment Agency report to the board.

The CRA would distribute grants of up to $7,500 for exterior improvements and landscaping work, in conjunction with low-interest loans for rehabilitating properties.


The $225,000 would be disbursed during the first half of 1991. Then the CRA budget for the next fiscal year would propose another $350,000 for the program through June 30, 1992, CRA spokesman Marc Littman said Wedesday.

The CRA will give highest priority to owners of buildings in a 16-block area bounded by Sunset Boulevard, Wilcox Avenue, Highland Avenue and Fountain Avenue. That area has many four-unit residential structures that are in poor condition, according to the CRA report.

The CRA staff already has approved the proposal. Approval today by the CRA Board of Commissioners is expected, as is final approval by the City Council.
