
Culver City : Utility Refund Deadline

Dec. 31 is the last day Culver City senior citizens and disabled residents can request refunds of 1989 utility users’ taxes. After Jan. 1, refunds for the 1990 taxes can be filed with the city treasurer’s office.

To qualify for the refund, a person must be at least 60 years old and have an adjusted gross income of no more than $8,000. Disabled people may also receive a refund, if they are covered by the Social Security Administration’s Supplemental Security Income Program.

The refunds, for homeowners and tenants who pay for utilities, are 50 cents per utility used each month, with a maximum refund of $24 for the year. Many of the people entitled to refunds may also be eligible for an exemption from the utility taxes.


For more information, call the city treasurer’s office at (213) 202-5865.
