
COSTA MESA : Man Killed When Car Runs Stop Sign

A Huntington Beach man was killed Tuesday afternoon when his car was hit by a vehicle that ran a stop sign, police said.

Robert Pettijohn, 57, was heading east on Mesa Drive when his 1986 Honda Accord was hit by a car driven by Mary Rita Hassett Chauvin, 47, of Tustin, police said.

Chauvin, traveling south on Santa Ana Avenue in a 1988 Buick Century, was reportedly driving 45 to 50 m.p.h. when she failed to stop at the intersection, hitting Pettijohn’s car and pushing it into another car, Police Lt. Gary Webster said.


Pettijohn was taken to College Hospital Costa Mesa, where he died about an hour later, coroner’s officials said. Chauvin, whose right heel was fractured, was taken to Western Medical Center-Santa Ana and was reported to be in stable condition Wednesday.

The driver of the third car was not hurt, Webster said.

No citation was issued, pending an investigation, Webster said.
