
Questioning the Wisdom of ‘Buys’

In your article, “The Wise Buys” (Nov. 14), you state that “In a season of change and economic concerns . . . people are watching their wallets more carefully.” And you show a model wearing a simple white cotton blouse costing $195. This is bought by someone watching their wallet? Get real.

You write that Elisabetta Rogiani, an L.A.-based designer, is “recycling” items from her closet. Does that mean she actually wears clothes for more than one season? Is this supposed to be unique? I thought that’s what everyone does.

Why don’t you write about people who shop at thrift stores, make their own clothes, wait for 50% off sales at the lower-end department stores or just forgo buying clothes altogether? Many of us have been doing this our whole lives.


Your article was elitist and offensive to those of us in the lower and middle working classes.


Beverly Hills
