
PREP ROUNDUP : Century Girls Win First Basketball Game

Century High School won its first varsity girls’ basketball game, defeating Laguna Beach, 34-29, in the first round of the Santa Ana Valley tournament Saturday.

For Century (1-2), Lucy Guerrero had 12 points and nine rebounds and Yessemia Cota had six points and eight rebounds.

In the Orange County all-star water polo game:

North 9, South 7--Kip Parsons of Villa Park scored three goals to lead the North to victory at Tustin. The North has a 3-2 lead in the series. Parsons scored two of his goals in the second quarter when the North pulled to 5-2 advantage. The North led, 9-5, in the fourth quarter.


At the Magnolia nine-way wrestling tournament:

Huntington Beach defeated Magnolia in the final dual meet to win the tournament. Magnolia and Huntington Beach were 7-0 in tournament matches entering the final meet.
