
Cultural Clash in Saudi Arabia

In The Times’ article “Women Drivers Banned by Saudis as ‘Portent of Evil’ ” (Nov. 15), the Saudis showed their true feelings towards Americans, who have saved their country from being invaded and annexed by Iraq, when they condemned Saudi women drivers as either “American agents” “communists or secularists.” If it weren’t for the presence of American troops there, the Saudis would have Iraqi drivers in tanks in their streets instead of Saudi women to complain about.

We must not get involved in a war in the Mideast protecting people of such a diverse culture who really resent us. As Sen. Bob Dole said, we are in the Mideast because of three letters: Oil. We are there because of the industrial complex to protect their supply of oil. We have ethanol and can convert our car engines to run on that fuel and thus help American corn farmers and not have to spend billions on Middle Eastern oil. That entire region (especially Iraq and Iran) is holding us hostage because of our dependence on their oil.

We must break free of that dependence and let the area solve its own problems.


Pacific Palisades
