
Cultural Clash in Saudi Arabia

It is amusing to see how the rights of Saudi women to drive a car in their country have now become of intense interest and controversy here.

Of far greater import are the religious rights of hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Christian servicemen and women in Saudi Arabia, who are denied the open celebration of their religious ceremonies and sacrifices this holiday season, because of Saudi prohibitions. What about that?

Americans are being asked to do and die for King Fahd, but cannot even display their religious symbols in his kingdom. If George Bush could relieve himself for a moment of his obsession with Saddam Hussein, he might be able to see the hypocrisy of his position. American service people should not be hostage in the country where they are expected to spill their blood. He should not abandon our rights in pursuit of his phony coalition and lust for war against Iraq.


Please read the royal decree, if you have any doubts.


Yorba Linda
