
Lynwood : Ordinance to Put Damper on Boom Boxes Near Homes

The Lynwood City Council has passed an ordinance that makes it illegal to play a boom box within 50 feet of a residence.

Any radio or cassette tape player that can produce noise loud enough to disturb other people is considered a boom box.

During discussions, the city staff suggested to the council that the loud, excessive noise is unsafe for residents and the music is commonly accompanied by crowds of young adults and juveniles that can become unruly.


The ordinance will be enforced by the Sheriff’s Department, which provides law enforcement service in Lynwood.

If a disturbance is reported to the department, deputies will go to the scene and ask the people creating the noise to lower the volume. If officers have been called to the same location more than once, they may cite the person for disturbing the peace, make an arrest, or confiscate the stereo equipment, Sgt. Bill Golden said.
