
Rosemead : Repairs for Dead Owner

City officials are going ahead with plans to make about $3,000 in repairs to a home although the owner is dead.

The City Council Tuesday voted 3 to 0 to solicit bids for the work on Helen Wetherbee’s home because she had complied with all the other requirements of the city’s “Handyman Program.” Wetherbee died a week ago, a program official told the council. “They wanted to just be sure this thing got fixed once and for all,” City Manager Frank Tripepi said.

The repairs include repairing a patio roof and relocating a rain gutter, Tripepi said.

Wetherbee applied about six weeks ago for assistance from the program, which uses community block grant funds to provide home improvements for senior citizens and handicapped residents who are financially or physically unable to make the repairs.
