
Parking Signs Forgotten?

After a long series of very trying efforts, hearings were held to make an area of Sherman Oaks and Studio City a preferential parking-by-permit zone. The area was to range from Hazeltine Avenue on the west to Longridge Avenue on the east, and one block north and south of Ventura Boulevard.

The primary reasons were the all-day parkers who worked at various points along Ventura Boulevard and the “park and ride” people who would park on a residential street, walk to Ventura to catch a bus downtown, and retrieve their cars on the way home in the evening.

As they left, the revelers would take their place, using our streets to avoid valet parking. They were off to eat, drink and be merry at the establishments along the boulevard, leaving their auto alarms on. The neighborhood would awaken to screeching sirens and honking horns numerous times nightly, as well as loud talking as they dispersed.


We were notified that as of Oct. 1, 1990, signs would be posted, making it a two-hour daytime zone, and “No parking except by permit from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.”

We, the residents, are sitting here six weeks past that deadline, wondering what happened. Was it forgotten?

More likely, just another case of an overloaded bureaucracy at City Hall being its usual inefficient self.


BOB ALBERTI, Studio City
