
Pete Schabarum on Term Limits

How many Californians who voted for Prop. 140 really knew that the measure’s author, Schabarum, personified everything he presumed to be against? He wrote:

“Incumbent special-interest ties, partisan extremism, gerrymandered districts, vote-selling scandals, the pampered lifestyles of legislators, stockpiling of campaign funds, perpetual reelection of incumbents, a Legislature out of step with public opinion--Sacramento’s ills are all-too-common knowledge.”

Change “Legislature” to “Board of Supervisors” and “Sacramento” to “Los Angeles” and--with the exception of vote-selling--Schabarum unwittingly painted an uncannily accurate portrait of Pete Schabarum.


What a travesty! Schabarum spent most of his working life feeding out of the public treasury for 20 years as county supervisor.

And now he has pretensions to leading a national campaign for “reform.” Let’s get real. If we want to kick the rascals out, let’s do it, but not through self-delusion.


Van Nuys
