
Poway Planners Looking for Citizens With a Vision

Poway is seeking a few good men, and women, to paint a “vision” of the city in 2010.

That sounds a lot more interesting than “seeking public input” on the revamping of the 10-year-old city’s general plan.

Jim Nessel, a senior city planner, is signing up volunteers for five Wednesday night meetings at which participants will be divided into small groups and asked to write short essays on what they would like to see the city look like in 2010.

“We’ll give them all a question, such as, ‘If you had a magic wand . . . ‘ “ Nessel explained, and then ask the volunteers to write about what changes they would make in the Poway of today. Then the ideas will be discussed in both the smaller groups and in a general session. Finally, the proposals will be voted on by secret ballot, with the top vote-getters given top priorities in a “visions statement” for the updated plan.


He expects that most of the suggestions will be positive and will envision a city much like the Poway of today, with a few improvements to reduce traffic congestion and other problems.

The 7-10 p.m. sessions begin this Wednesday at Painted Rock Elementary School and continue on Dec. 5 and 12 and Jan. 9 and 23 at different locations.

Citizens may sign up by calling Nessel at City Hall, 748-6600, Ext. 256.
