
Squabble Over Airline Movie

It was with amazement and disgust that I read of Steve Sun’s dispute with United Airlines over the use of his personal headset to listen to an in-flight movie without paying the $4 fee (Metro, Nov. 10). It is unbelievable that he actually thought the fee charged by the airline was to “rent” the headset when it is so obvious that the fee is to “listen” to the movie. And why, after being so informed, did he continue to listen to the movie without paying the $4 fee?

If he is intelligent enough to know “what you can and can’t do on an airplane,” why did he choose to so blatantly disregard this rule? Does Sun believe that he should be accorded special privileges as a result of his occupation as evidenced by his statement “I’m a lawyer and if anything happened on the ground, I would file a suit”?

As an educated member in our society, Sun has a duty to conduct his life in a responsible manner. Whatever his intent--whether it be for exposure in The Times, to save $4 or to beat the system--Sun’s behavior is a disgrace to the legal profession. Unfortunately, this is a standard we have come to expect from that “profession.”


M.D. NIKORA, Los Angeles
