

Researched by: KATHIE BOZANICH / Los Angeles Times

College Enrollment

Schools/ Fall, Fall, % Districts 1980 1990 Change FOUR-YEAR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Cal State Fullerton 22,470 25,602 +13.9 Chapman College 1,202 1,489 +23.9 Christ College 159 515 +223.9 Southern California College 705 868 +23.1 UC Irvine 7,721 13,682 +77.2 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTS Coast 70,202* 53,873 -23.3 North Orange County 63,915* 35,392 -44.6 Rancho Santiago 33,277* 39,272 +18.0 Saddleback 26,781* 30,743 +14.8

* Includes many community service classes, like art courses, that are no longer counted in state-mandated reporting. Source: Individual schools and districts; Orange County Department of Education
