
OXNARD : Council May Move Mobile Home Park

Two years after a consultant recommended that the city of Oxnard move an aging, crowded mobile home park, the City Council is scheduled Tuesday to decide whether to hire a firm to plan the move.

If approved, the proposal would allow the city to hire a firm to draft a plan to acquire land and develop finances for a 150-unit mobile home park, according to a city report. The firm would be asked to recommend a developer for the park.

One of the three mobile home parks considered for transfer to the proposed site is the Oxnard Mobile Home Lodge in the 1300 block of Commercial Avenue, the report said.


In 1988, the consulting firm of Sanchez Talarico recommended that the city develop a new park for the tenants at the Oxnard Mobile Home Lodge. The firm said the park was overcrowded and code violations posed a threat to the health and safety of the occupants.

Residents, some of whom are living two families per mobile home, have complained to the City Council about the park’s conditions on several occasions.

The most likely site for the new park would be on the east side of Olds Road, next to Ocean View Junior High School, according to the report. The land is within unincorporated county area, but within the city’s sphere of influence.


The recently approved General Plan for Oxnard designated the site for a mobile home park.
