

Unhappily, Dolan’s question “Who owns Yosemite?” may be answered before the contract renewal date in 1993. With the foregone conclusion of acquisition of MCA by the giant Matsushita Electric Industries Co. of Osaka, Japan, the control, as it now stands, of “the most scenic valley in the world,” a national shrine and symbol of the beauty and majesty of our land, will no longer be in the hands of its rightful owners--the people of America.


San Bernardino

Maura Dolan responds: Word of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.’s interest in purchasing MCA Inc. did not surface until after the Los Angeles Times Magazine had gone to print with its Yosemite package. Since then, National Park Service director James Ridenour has told the chairman of MCA Inc. that the federal government would prefer to keep the Yosemite concession in American hands.
