
Disneyland’s Price Still a Good Value

Enough already about Disneyland increasing prices!

In answer to Margaret Baumsten (Letters, Nov. 11): Has she and all the others who are complaining ever taken into consideration what it costs to just open the main gate in the morning at Disneyland, to keep the park as clean as it is and to keep the park and rides safe?

How about all the “free entertainment” available once you are inside the park? If big bands are your thing, or Videopolis, or the show at the Golden Horseshoe or the characters (or dozens of others too numerous to mention), do you know what it costs to go, for instance, to the Orange County Performing Arts Center to hear a band?

How about the entertainment in the various locations or “lands” throughout the park. (I think they call it “themed” entertainment.) What about the summer (daily) parade, the absolutely wonderful Christmas parade (a “magical” place at Christmas), the fireworks every night during the summer that you can see from many locations around Anaheim? (You don’t even have to be in the park to enjoy them!)


So, Ms. Baumsten, if you think the price to walk through that main gate to participate in wonderful “family entertainment” is too high, add up what you would pay to see each ride and/or attraction individually in a spotlessly clean environment (if you can find one) with pleasant, happy employees around you. The “Happiest Place on Earth” is worth every penny!


