
Mission of the Women’s Panel

I want to commend and support the viewpoint expressed in your Orange County Perspective editorial (“A Panel Deserving of Its Status,” Nov. 9), in which you state that the Commission on the Status of Women has proven effective in bringing women’s issues “that deeply affect the fabric of society” to the attention of the Board of Supervisors.

The commission is a group that quietly, but effectively, carries out its mission to help women in this county in a myriad of ways.

Its Resource Directory and Directory of Women’s Organizations, which is updated every six months, enables the commission to provide an invaluable referral service to hundreds of women each year. In 1989 it published two major reports, “The Child Care Crisis” and “The Status of the Older Woman.”


I would highly recommend that people who would like to learn more about the work of the commission call its office and request its newsletter, aptly called “Connections,” which not only describes commission projects but also brings readers news from women’s groups around the country.


Supervisor, 2nd District
