
Was Report of Crash Sexist?

I was angered and appalled at your paper’s apparent sexism in reporting the Colorado light plane crash that took the lives of four Orange County residents (Nov. 13).

While dutifully reporting the lives and careers of the three men killed in the crash, you gave scant information concerning Karolyn Barrett and made no mention whatsoever that she was a respected teacher at Hisamatsu Tamura Elementary School in Fountain Valley (a school you had featured and lauded in your previous Sunday’s paper for high California Assessment Program scores).

Sadly, you weren’t alone in the media in your sexist reporting of this tragic story.

I suspect that you may respond that this was an innocent omission on your part and not sexism. However, why would your reporters not pursue career and biographical information on Mrs. Barrett just as they did on the three men?



Fountain Valley
