
Air Quality Officials May Get Tougher on Landfill

Regional air quality officials say they are considering imposing even more stringent conditions on operations at Lopez Canyon Landfill than those contained in an agreement approved by the Los Angeles City Council last month.

City officials said that if far tougher controls are placed on the Lake View Terrace landfill, the city will fight the issue in court.

An agreement had been reached last month between the city and the South Coast Air Quality Management District legal staff. It requires the city to reduce noxious gas emissions and odors at the city-owned dump in the northeastern San Fernando Valley by Dec. 15 and to pay a $5,000 fine for each violation of district air pollution regulations after Jan. 31.


The AQMD legal staff recommended approval of the agreement. But members of an AQMD hearing board want “to put their own stamp” on the document, imposing tougher conditions, city and AQMD officials said Friday.
