
Takes Issue With Story

For the article “Group Asks Ferraro to Drop Support for CRA Extension,” Oct. 13, staff writer Tracey Kaplan should have done more homework, as should the woman she interviewed, Mildred Weller.

Weller had, as all applicants have, an equal opportunity to receive a vote from the project area committee members to fill vacancies on the committee. The article neglected to state that this “sub-election” was to fill vacancies for a quorum at which only elected committee members can vote. Weller can try again next February at the general election, when all residents in the North Hollywood redevelopment area can vote and Weller can, as I did in 1980, personally campaign for a seat on the committee.

I suggest Weller submit to the committee the names of the 200 North Hollywood residents and property owners “who want Councilman John Ferraro to reverse his support for a measure extending the taxing and land seizure powers of the North Hollywood Redevelopment Agency.”


Concerning the statement that “the election was held in a meeting punctuated by catcalls from the audience,” since I was there--and I am not deaf--maybe Kaplan was referring to some other event.


North Hollywood

Brown is a member of the North Hollywood Redevelopment Project Area Committee.
