
Insensitive Attitude

Your photo caption of the Asian family dining out in today’s OC LIVE!--”As authentic as it gets . . . “--strikes me as certainly insensitive and probably ignorant (“Far East Way Late,” Oct. 11). Would you use the same caption of a black family dining at Burrell’s Rib Cage (Santa Ana)? Maybe a family of sombrero-ed Hispanics at Colima (1st and Fairview, Santa Ana)? How about a white family at Marie Callender’s?

Are Asian peoples and their restaurants something to be attended and scrutinized, as an amusement park or a tourist attraction?

You propagate attitudes that are invalid. As an example of changing community textures, your own newspaper reported recently that at UC Irvine, Asian students, at 40% or more enrollment, are the majority ethnic group.


Why not write the newspaper for all peoples, not just the “Old Guard”? Surprise: The “Old Guard” has disappeared!

“As authentic as it gets . . . “ indeed!


El Monte
