
‘All Tests Should Be Returned’

I read, with interest, Deborah Schoch’s article on returning tests in the Torrance Unified School District (Times, Nov. 4).

I, too, have requested that my child’s test papers be returned and brought home so his parents can monitor his progress.

I take exception to the expressed feelings of many teachers that it is the administration against the teachers. Instead, it is the parents who want to see the test papers. Parent involvement in testing is an essential part of communication between the school and home.


To read that test papers are not returned out of concern for the environment seems to be pushing an environmental issue a little too far.

We, as parents or guardians, want no more than to see our children’s achievement on the tests they take. A grade on a report card is not an acceptable alternate. These tests are the students’ work and they are entitled to their corrected papers.

I agree with Mr. (David) Sargent that it is not a monumental task for any teacher to make up a valid test. In any future test, scope and content can be retained without jeopardizing validity.


Let me point out that the New York State Regents exams are published shortly after they are administered and the S.A.T.s are not exempt from scrutiny.

I feel the only way this matter can be brought to a successful conclusion is for the Board of Education to pass a resolution requiring that all tests be returned to the students.


