
Manuel Noriega

In response to “Tapped Phone Ignites Dispute in Noriega Case,” Part A, Nov. 9:

When considering the current episode of the continuing adventures of America’s great pal, Manuel Noriega, I find myself in both a “tongue-in-cheek” posture with a profound disgust for the man as well as in overwhelming amazement of the transparency of our government’s handling of this episodic fiasco.

As Noriega assumed the reins of power from the prematurely deceased Omar Torrijos, many Americans, including myself, smelled trouble for our relationship with Panama; it was only the beginning. In addition to his domestic caprices, his growing involvement in regional drug traffic and arms running as well as an unwholesome international image created for us an unwelcome bastard son.

The farce of his capture and imprisonment here in the United States, choreographed by who knows what agency, left our government no other option than to ultimately let him off the hook.


Should he be released, acquitted, cleansed, exonerated or simply shuffled off and forgotten, our government’s much vaunted anti-drug campaign will suffer immeasurably in both image and principle.


Santa Ana
