
Tom Clancy on U.S. Involvement in Persian Gulf

Clancy’s column provides a needed perspective on why U.S. troops are in Saudi Arabia. To argue that our troops are there for cheap oil is to ignore that Saddam Hussein is an extremely dangerous man. To argue that Hussein may be evil, but not as evil as Hitler, is to cheapen the lives of those who have died at Hussein’s hands.

To pretend that Hussein’s seizure of Kuwait would be the end of his adventures is insane. To argue that the only reason Hussein invaded Kuwait is because the Bush Administration catered to his whims, and therefore we should do nothing, ignores that Hussein invaded Iran, murdered thousands of Iranians and that he gassed his own population without any “encouragement” from President Bush.

I support President Bush’s efforts to extricate Hussein from Kuwait. If Hussein does not leave voluntarily, then he should be forced to leave. The consequences of allowing Hussein to take Kuwait will simply mean a more horrible war in the future after he attempts to take Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, the Emirates, etc.


