
Rate of Blacks in College Not Slipping, Study Says

The college enrollment rate of young blacks is stagnating, not slipping as recent reports have suggested, a study released Monday in Santa Monica found.

The study by the RAND Corp. also concluded that if black youths are to regain the large enrollment strides they made before the mid-1970s, they must have special attention in their early school years, again when they get ready to decide whether to go to college and once they are there.

The study, titled “Trends in Postsecondary Enrollment of Minorities,” was aimed at clarifying “seemingly inconsistent” research results about minority college enrollment, its author and RAND researcher Daniel Koretz said.


Some reports have detected a decline in black enrollment and attribute it to an array of social and economic problems that especially affect young black males. Other surveys and research data have failed to find any such trend.
