
Responding to Author’s Defense of Censorship

In response to the Counterpunch article by Bradley Steffens (“A Once-Banned Author Believes in Censorship for the Good of Society,” Oct. 29), I would like to say that I am fed up with the notion that every American must live in a society that allows no artistic expression beyond that suitable for a 12-year-old.

Excuse me, all you well-meaning but sadly misguided parents, but I never asked you to have children. You chose to, and it’s your responsibility to raise them with whatever morals you see fit; but please stop expecting other adults to sacrifice their intelligence on the altar of your children.

I happen to enjoy “adult themes.” I enjoy them in the literature I read, in the movies I watch, in the art I view and in the music I listen to. Thematically, my life is of an adult nature, and to keep out of “Disneyland” I will do everything in my power to sustain whatever rights I have.


I resent the paternalistic attitude that does nothing more than socially retard the entire culture and promote yet another generation of the ignorant who giggle and leer at the human body and consider words commonly used by our Anglo-Saxon ancestors as “dirty.”

Forgive me, Mom and Dad of America, but I think if you spent half the effort teaching your children kindness and selflessness that you spent keeping them away from sex, you might raise a generation of truly decent human beings.


Fountain Valley
