
Tips From an Aussie

My wife and I have been holidaying for three months in your wonderful country of many contrasts, interests, awe-inspiring Grand Canyon and other fascinating places too numerous to mention. But on leaving for home, I feel I must comment on this outrageous system of tipping. It may be your custom, but I accept it with a certain amount of grumbling. To be confronted with this distasteful demand openly by notices in taxis, restaurants and other places is embarrassing, humiliating and completely bewildering to the average Aussie.

We do tip in our country, of course, but the service has to be exceptional and then only on a voluntary basis. To us, it is an abominable practice that should be debated. Is it worthwhile or should the employers make up the difference in paychecks?

Last but not least, I must comment on the American people--the people who helped us find our way when lost while driving or walking. We were greeted cordially with an open friendliness that was at times completely disarming. My wife and I thank you all for allowing us the privilege of wandering all over your beautiful country and finding the average American to be the Eighth Wonder of the World.



Nelson Bay

New South Wales

