
Border Checkpoint

Congress’ decision to spend $30 million for the construction of a new 16-lane checkpoint on I-5 is baffling because the Border Patrol now has four lanes, but almost always chokes the traffic down to two lanes. What is the patrol going to do with 16 lanes? Answer: Choke them down to two, as it does now.

The flow of illegal aliens should be controlled at the border. If the Border Patrol would fix the fence along the border, which in its present condition is a joke and an eyesore, it would not need to spend the $30 million on some super-duper checkpoint inland.

In addition, the government could then save additional millions of dollars by no longer needing the hundreds of expensive, specially equipped “chase cars,” and by not having to pay for injuries caused by such chases on our interstates (I-5 and I-15, to name two) and city streets, such as in San Clemente.


