
Gaffes on Parade

Glenn Close is seen in three different suits--each a different color--in a “Jagged Edge” courtroom scene. Singer Don McLean’s “American Pie,” released in 1971, plays in the background of “Born on the Fourth of July”--set in 1968-69. The Depression Era “Harlem Nights” has characters spouting such modern expressions as “Yo” and “I’ll let you have your space.” In “The ‘Burbs,” set in middle America, the Disney Channel’s Burbank office building can be glimpsed in the background.

These glaring goofs are among a couple hundred from over 150 films compiled by Bill Givens in “Film Flubs--Memorable Movie Mistakes,” just published.

Other gems:

Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), in “Star Wars,” shouts “Carrie!” to Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher).


Fred MacMurray, playing a carefree, never-married bachelor in “Double Indemnity,” wears a wide gold wedding band throughout the picture.

Yul Brynner’s earring appears, disappears--even changes ears--as he sings “Is a Puzzlement” in “The King and I.”

In “North to Alaska,” John Wayne loses his hairpiece during a fight scene . . . but it’s back on in the next shot.


Whenever Givens mentions his book, he says, someone inevitably has a favorite film flub to share.

So we mentioned one of ours: as Julia Roberts undresses Richard Gere in “Pretty Woman,” his tie and collar are untied and unbuttoned, then tied and buttoned--and back again--in the same scene.

“We’ll put that one in Volume II,” promises Givens.
