
Fullerton : Dannemeyer Speaks Against Abortion

Rep. William Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) told a group of Cal State Fullerton students Friday that the war on abortion can be won only through persistence and courage.

“The (Berlin) Wall came down without any military action,” Dannemeyer told some 60 students, most of them anti-abortion advocates. “It was done by human beings, and was gradually broken away.”

Dannemeyer’s noon appearance was sponsored by the Students for Life Coalition, a newly formed anti-abortion group on campus.


The congressman, a longtime outspoken critic of abortion, attacked liberals and told the students there must be a return to a basic Judeo-Christian ethic system that this country was founded on.

Kevin La Point, a 21-year-old senior psychology major who formed the campus group in September, said he was pleased with the turnout.

“There seems to be a growing interest in our group,” La Point said, adding that the coalition plans to eventually hook up with other colleges in the Southland. “So far, we’ve had about 195 people express an interest in the group.”


La Point said he believes there are many students who are generally concerned about the abortion issue but do not know where to turn. With speakers like Dannemeyer, La Point said, the coalition should be able to get more exposure.

While most of the audience seemed to side with Dannemeyer’s position on abortion, some students attending thought he was out of step with the majority of Americans.

“The man is one big contradiction,” said Nathan Wells, a 20-year-old junior. “He continually talks about how morally corrupt our society is becoming and how we must protect the unborn. But in the same breath, he talks about our justification in being in the Middle East.”


Freshman Jane Feltz, 19, who sat quietly in the back during Dannemeyer’s speech, said she is having a lot of trouble grappling with the abortion issue.

“It’s a very difficult situation,” she said. “At times I think it should remain legal. Then, I think it shouldn’t. I just haven’t made up my mind.”
