
Waxman’s Help in Passing Clean Air Act

The Coalition for Clean Air joins you in applauding the federal government for finally reaffirming its legislative commitment to clean air, and we agree that the nation as a whole will benefit. But, a major loophole remains that will hinder local attainment of air quality standards.

The new act specifically exempts off-road vehicles and engines from normal emissions standards--even though 10% of our smog comes from these sources! Ignoring some ways to reduce smog just means tighter controls elsewhere. The burden of pollution control must be spread equally among all to reduce the cost on any one individual or business.

The new act also relaxes deadlines for the Environmental Protection Agency to write federal implementation plans designed to help local areas achieve pollution control goals. Many regions across the country, and particularly the Los Angeles area, are relying on those federal plans to provide crucial support for their local clean air effort. The new act could delay federal assistance for local control efforts.


As an organization that has helped secure for California the toughest air quality laws in the nation, we are encouraged to see those laws duplicated for the rest of the country. Unfortunately, we will still have to solve our own smog problem here. The public must continue to press federal, state and regional governments to pass and enforce stringent local regulations that we will need to finally cleanse our smoggy skies.


Executive Director

Coalition for Clean Air, Venice
