
In Defense of Kids

This is a reply to your dismal review of the New Kids On the Block concert. Even though the concert is long gone, this is something that has been on my mind for a long time.

It sounded to me like you had already made up your mind of how you were going to review this concert before you attended it. The New Kids show was the best show of the year and most definitely one that will be remembered by every New Kids fan who attended it.

One of the great things about NKOTB is that they always focus on their fans, because we are the ones that helped them get where they are today. They don’t waste their time trying to please pig-headed and ungrateful critics like you.


It seems to me that you and your fellow critics will never appreciate or accept New Kids for the fine and talented musicians they are. That concert may not have been something you older people would have enjoyed, but it was something us younger kids definitely enjoyed.

And if you ever decide to review another NKOTB concert (which I hope you don’t), try and put yourself in a fan’s place and maybe you’ll understand why we react the way we do.


Los Angeles
