

THE GRACE AWAKENING. Charles R. Swindoll. Word, hardcover, 311 pages, $15.99.

The newest book of the Fullerton pastor went quickly to the top of the Christian bestseller list. Swindoll goes after “grace-killers,” evangelicals who try to prescribe limits on fellow believers’ activity, whether it be moviegoing, dancing or worship style. He says the forgiveness and freedom of grace is also the “oil that lessens the friction in marriage.”

THE PARALYSIS OF MAINSTREAM PROTESTANT LEADERSHIP. J. Edward Carothers. Abingdon, softcover, 141 pages, $10.95.

A onetime national United Methodist official claims the dizzying decline of mainline churches since the early 1960s might be solved by catching up with modern biblical research and theology, abandoning bland “positive thinking” preaching and stop blessing material success.
