
Gunning for Gold

Wondering why you couldn’t cruise down Rodeo Drive Tuesday night? It seems Turkey’s First Lady, Semra Ozal, was in town to do a little shopping. Before she could drop into Bijan the street had to be cleared of all traffic and pedestrians. She arrived with a motorcade escort and a phalanx of body guards. Her big purchase consisted of two solid gold guns, at $10,000 each.

* CLOSE SHAVE: Linda Silver has discovered how loyal her customers really are. (She’s the Studio City mastermind behind Roy’s Shaving Cream.) Earlier this week, Roy Silver (Linda’s husband and the shaving cream’s namesake) got a call from Army Maj. Jim Byrem; he didn’t have time to stock up on his favorite grooming products before he was sent off to Saudi Arabia, so he used his one phone call home to order up three jars of Roy’s. Silver estimates one jar will last at least three months, so our man on the front is good for nine more months of Operation Desert Shield.

* BUYING BAUBLES: Czechoslovakian glass beads in sterling-silver settings are enticing several local lovelies into Following Sea, a small store tucked away on the seventh floor of the Beverly Center. Geena Davis and Elizabeth Montgomery have both picked up pairs of the glittery $18 earrings. Billy Dee Williams also paid a call on the store and left with two silk-screened rayon tunics for himself. The jewelry line, $18 to $280, by Stacy Alberts is called Freeline Design. The tunics, by Visual Professional, are $200-$300.


* BUDDY, CAN YOU SPARE A CHESTERFIELD?: If you are considering buying a new overcoat this year, look into Harris & Frank’s latest promotion. If you bring in an old coat (men’s or women’s) before Nov. 18, they will see that it gets recycled by donating it to National Alliance to End Homelessness. In exchange for your contribution, they will give you a discount on a new London Fog coat--$40 off the price of a jacket, $60 off a raincoat and $80 off a topcoat. Harris & Frank stores can be found throughout California.

* HAUTE DOGS: Nick Graham, the owner-designer of Joe Boxer underwear, was in L.A. this week to announce the winners of his design-your-own-boxer-shorts contest at the Broadway’s Century City store. As usual with Graham, things did not proceed as planned. “I announced that the first prize was $12 million from Carter Hawley Hale,” he said. First prize was actually a $200 gift certificate from The Broadway. “The president just about died.” The winning print incorporated frankfurters and dachshunds and was called “Haute Dogs.” “We just thought it was a kind of pseudo-sophisticated, funny wiener print. Anything with wieners on it usually wins. We’re kind of biased here,” explained Graham.
