
Additional Units Earmarked to Join U.S. Forces in Gulf

From Reuters

Here is a list of units the Pentagon said Thursday will be added to U.S. forces currently in the Persian Gulf:

Active Duty Army Units:

--1st Armored Division, Ansbach, Germany

--3rd Armored Division, Frankfurt, Germany

--1st Infantry Division, Ft. Riley, Kan.

--7th Corps Headquarters, Stuttgart, Germany

--Brigade of 2nd Armored Division, Garlstedt, Germany

--2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Nuremberg, Germany

--2nd Corps Support Command, Stuttgart, Germany

--Other combat support and combat service support units from U.S. and Europe

Marine Corps Units:

--2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

--5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Pendleton

--Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron, Norfolk, Va.


--Three aircraft carriers with appropriate escorts

--Battleship Missouri and appropriate escorts

--Amphibious Group 3, San Diego

Army National Guard (for desert training in U.S.):

--48th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Georgia

--155th Armored Brigade, Mississippi

--256th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Louisiana
