
Krauthammer on Rap Music

It is hard for me to imagine that when Charles Krauthammer is not singing the praises of the Contras and Zionism on the talk show circuit, he’s grooving to Heavy D, Flavor Flav, Queen Latifah, Ice T, RUN DMC and Too Short. Yet Krauthammer considers himself qualified to assert that “sexual aggression and misogyny are a staple of rap” (“Life Imitates Pathologies of Culture,” Column Right, Commentary, Oct. 30). The truth is that most rap music serves as a courageous and positive force that confronts the bleak circumstances of so many young African-Americans with a message of racial pride, respect for humanity, self-love and self-respect. It is arguably the most vital art form of our time.

Krauthammer chooses to exploit one of the most negative examples of rap music in order to illustrate how sick our society has become. This says a lot more about Krauthammer than it does about rap music.


