
Insurance Fraud Rings

Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Ira Reiner is to be congratulated for uncovering one of the biggest auto insurance scams in the country (Metro, Oct. 18).

Doing more real investigative work than anyone else anywhere, Reiner has indicted dozens of people who have been reportedly bilking the insurance industry of millions of dollars. I hope these people understand that by committing this kind of massive fraud they are stealing from every single California driver.

According to the DA’s estimates, if the state were rid of this criminal element, auto insurance premiums could be reduced at least 50%, making insurance affordable without taking away the rights of people with legitimate claims.


The California Trial Lawyers Assn. is particularly interested in this issue because it has repeatedly supported the toughest anti-fraud legislation anywhere in the United States. Unfortunately, these bills have consistently been vetoed after passing the state Assembly and Senate.

Consumers in this state should not be forced to abdicate their rights so criminals can act with impunity and pocket millions, perhaps billions, of dollars in fraudulent auto insurance claims.

I hope law enforcement agencies throughout California join in the effort to uncover these scams, put these criminals behind bars and stop the endless effort to destroy our civil justice system and inalienable right to a jury trial.


It’s time we put the rights of consumers ahead of the rights of criminals.


California Trial Lawyers Assn.
