
BUENA PARK : Recycling to Mean Higher Trash Fees

Residents will have to pay more for trash collection under a new recycling plan adopted this week by the City Council.

Facing an impending deadline and possible fine from the state, the council unanimously adopted the plan and promised to solicit comment from residents at a later date. Under the proposal, residential trash rates would go up $1.60 per month and commercial fees would increase $13.88 per month.

The new rates will take effect in February, but the increase will not show up on bills until March, officials said.


In accordance with California Assembly Bill 939, all cities must divert 25% of their solid waste from landfills by 1995 and 50% by the year 2000. All cities must have a plan in the works by March of this year or face fines of up to $10,000.

The plan adopted Monday calls for the city to contract with Park Disposal to process all trash. Unlike systems approved by surrounding cities, including Anaheim, the plan will not require residents to separate trash into recyclable and non-recyclable items. Instead, Park Disposal will sort the trash and take it to a recycling facility.

Director of Public Works Don Kemp said the proposal approved by the council can still be revised after testimony from residents is heard.
