
Fire Started by Fumes Spreads to Two Homes


A Clairemont man escaped injury Tuesday evening while repairing a car’s fuel tank when the pilot light from a garage water heater ignited gasoline fumes, causing extensive damage to the house.

San Diego Fire Department Capt. Al McDonald said the fire began at 6:09 p.m. and went to a second alarm when flames that engulfed the home threatened nearby houses. Damage to the house in the 5800 block of Camber Drive was estimated at $110,000, and a neighboring house suffered $15,000 in damage, McDonald said.

The names of those living at the home where the fire started were not available Tuesday night, but McDonald said the fire began when the gasoline fumes were ignited by the water heater’s pilot light, causing the vehicle to burn. The fire spread to the rest of the house, which was severely damaged.


Fire Department officials said the man had backed the car into the open garage and removed a fuel gauge component from the gas tank. The tank began leaking and the man attempted to contain the leaking gas in a small can.

A nearby water heater ignited the fumes, causing several small explosions.

According to Fire Department officials, the man “was very fortunate” to escape the fire without serious injuries. Apparently, the exploding gas tank also created several small fireballs that quickly engulfed the garage and house in flames.

One firefighter suffered minor injuries while battling the blaze. McDonald said the man had first-degree burns on the face and a twisted ankle.


Firefighters from Station 36, just a few blocks away, were the first to arrive at the scene. When the blaze knocked down nearby power lines and flames began to lick at a neighboring house, firefighters called a second alarm.

Ten vehicles and 48 firefighters were called to prevent the fire from spreading to other homes in the heavily concentrated residential area.
