
The National Assn. of Securities Dealers fined...

The National Assn. of Securities Dealers fined two former salesmen at a Granada Hills stock brokerage a total of about $152,000 for allegedly selling interests in partnerships they had managed, without informing their employer in writing.

Vincent Saar was censured, fined $65,880 plus costs, and barred from working in the securities business. Richard Burg Landreau was censured, fined $85,430 plus costs, and suspended from the business for 30 days. The fines were essentially equal to the NASD’s estimate of the salesmen’s compensation for selling the partnership interests, plus $15,000 each. The NASD said it gave Landreau a temporary suspension, rather than barring him from the securities business, because he appeared at a hearing while Saar did not.

The NASD said the two salesmen for Anchor National Financial Services Inc. in Granada Hills sold interests in three limited partnerships from April, 1982, through April, 1985, but did give Anchor written notification of the sales or of their role as managers of the partnerships.
