
Congressional Campaign War Chests

I read your article with my mouth wide open, astonished by the staggering amount of spending freedom given to House of Representative members by the House Ethics Committee. After reading the article, I came to several conclusions.

First, House members are receiving far too much money. When Rep. Stephen L. Neal (D-N.C.) has enough money left over, after ensuring his reelection, to pay himself $57,173 over a two-year period in rent on his own house, it is clear limitations are needed on campaign funds.

Second, it is nearly impossible to oust an incumbent through elections. Most challengers have nowhere near the resources to conduct an effective campaign against incumbents with hundreds of thousands of dollars of donated money at their disposal.


Third, the members of the House Ethics Committee are gutless and are at fault for this entire fiasco by not enforcing an already ridiculously loose ethics code.

DAN REDONDO, Simi Valley
