
Measure M’s Approach to Traffic Woes

I have lived and worked in Orange County for over 25 years. For the past several, I frequently have been disturbed by the feeling that I spent more time on the freeways in between the two destinations than I was spending at either my home or office.

It doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone traveling the county’s transportation “system” that the problem is not getting any better. However, the opponents to Revised Measure M would have people believe that our problems will somehow solve themselves without any effort on our part. After waiting and watching for years for just this miracle to happen, I now must thoroughly disagree with this approach.

It’s time for Orange County to recognize its responsibility to take the initiative and the financial leadership to raise the money here and spend the money here. Without passage of Revised Measure M, Orange County will get in line behind 15 other California counties for critical state transportation improvement dollars--counties that already have a sales tax earmarked for their own local traffic needs.


In this day of dwindling public resources due to escalating public demands, the ability to provide matching funds becomes the key to getting the money to get the job done.

Orange County is running out of time to get the job done. Vote YES on Revised Measure M to make it happen.

