
Pringle, Umberg Inspire ‘No’ Vote on Term Limits

I live in the 72nd Assembly District and am basically disgusted with the campaigns of both Curt Pringle and Tom Umberg. I am a strong supporter of the Democratic Party and looked forward to an intelligent and exciting candidate to run against a lackluster and ineffective Curt Pringle.

Instead, day after day, I have received the equivalent of hate mail from each of the candidates. The issues have been ignored, the needs of the community have been ignored, and I’m sure the outcome will be yet another low voter turnout. (Maybe that’s what the candidates want.)

If these two individuals are the best candidates available in this district, this alone is reason enough to vote against Propositions 131 and 140 on term limits.


Why would qualified individuals choose to run? Or where will we find qualified individuals? It certainly seems the 72nd has run out of candidates already. We have plenty of legislators who deserve to be voted out of office. (Bill Dannemeyer and Bob Dornan both come to mind.)

If neither candidate has ideas or goals for his term in office, maybe they should remember an admonishment I learned in elementary school: If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it!

