
The 11th Hour for Bonelli Park

Yes, the eleventh hour is approaching for Bonelli Park. (“Revised Bonelli Park Plan Renews Dispute,” Times, Oct. 5.) Your printing of a park map with planned development areas was a great service to your readers, but even the map doesn’t tell all.

L.A. County’s Environmental Impact Report points out that even if Raging Waters monopolizes more of the public lands with its commercial projects, much of the park will still remain undeveloped.

But which acres will be preserved?

The map The Times printed showed some curious circle clumps, perhaps representing trees. If so, this map, like the EIR itself, does not reveal that most of the undeveloped land features rock outcroppings and introduced pines and is far from Puddingstone Lake, within sight, sound and smell of the San Bernardino freeway.


Meanwhile, Area E, which looks almost barren in the map, is home to the only native forest adjoining the lake. It is also home to a colony of great blue herons. And it is precisely here that the county would like to build a hotel complex and 80 cabin units.

I say we need more herons and fewer hotels on the precious open space we have remaining in the midst of our metropolis.


San Dimas
