
Titans Ring In 58 Cents Worth of Calls by Volleyball Players

It won’t exactly balance the budget, but Cal State Fullerton’s athletic department received an unexpected 58 cents this week when two Titan volleyball players were ordered to reimburse the cost of toll calls made from Coach Jim Huffman’s office last year.

Leanne Grotke, Fullerton associate athletic director, said the two calls, made by junior Angela Lightfoot (48 cents to Long Beach) and senior Anne Witkowski (10 cents to Lakewood), were among eight improper calls discovered during an athletic department inquiry into the volleyball program this fall.

The calls, which amounted to $1.16, were among several minor NCAA rule violations uncovered in the program. Grotke said that Lightfoot and Witkowski were the only present Titan players affected by the phone violations.


The department is still in the process of preparing a report that will be sent to a Big West Conference compliance committee this month. Fullerton Athletic Director Ed Carroll said the violations could result in a private or informal reprimand from the conference.
