
ANAHEIM : Hunter, Simpson Win Endorsements

The four board members of the Anaheim Hills Citzens Coalition announced their personal support for Mayor Fred Hunter and City Council candidate Bob Simpson in next week’s election.

The coalition, which claims 30,000 registered voters among its membership, does not endorse political candidates; however, the individual board members often lend their names to candidates’ campaigns.

Patrick Pepper, chairman of the board, said the directors felt Hunter and Simpson were the two candidates who “could turn our council into a positive, problem-solving group which votes on issues, rather than making political statements.”


Hunter, who lives in the hills, has been sympathetic with residents’ concerns about growth in the expanding residential area, and has voted accordingly.

Councilman Irv Pickler is up for reelection, and is challenging Hunter for the mayor’s job. Incumbent Councilwoman Miriam Kaywood and challengers Jo Ann Barnett, Frank Feldhaus and John Schaffer are also running. Three seats and the mayor’s post are open.
