
President’s Veto of Civil Rights Bill

I am very upset and offended by the veto of the 1990 Civil Rights Act by President Bush.

I will never understand how delaying such an important issue for minorities and women is in their interest. He stated he feared hiring quotas when it is clear that the bill didn’t demand any. What is the truth?

I believe the truth lies in Louisiana, after the racist voting there caused great political concerns. Bush just wimped out and sold the minorities and women down the river. Instead of showing the David Dukes of this country that the White House could not be intimidated, his veto has given support to their cause.

I had forgiven Bush for the Willie Horton political ads. But now I’m outraged at his veto.

President Bush, read my lips: Your veto, as far as I’m concerned, is just as racist as your Horton ads.



