
Sympathy for Owner’s Redevelopment Plight

I can sympathize with Mr. Curts’ dilemma, “Redevelopment Has Cost Reader His Home,” (Times, Oct. 25).

I once lost my job to redevelopment, and now I drive 15 miles farther to work each day. Although it put my family and I in disorder, a job does not compare to losing one’s home to this government inflicted menace.

To think Mr. Curts would be held under the thumb of La Puente, while that dictatorship would make him wait possibly many years until they decide whether or not they want his property is outrageous.


Government decay and immorality has sunk to new lows, and it is most apparent at the local level. These cretins are stating they represent our best interests, and then turning around to take our private property to sell to out-of-town developers. If individual people want to sell to the city, it should be their choice, not a forcible program.

I am disgusted and disheartened that our government on every level has become so blatantly corrupt. I for one plan on voting all of the incumbents out on Nov. 6; then maybe we can begin to restore some normalcy to people’s right to own property.


